With 4 Days Until Special Election, WNY State, County, and Municipal Leadership Endorse Senator Tim Kennedy’s Run for NY-26

Representatives From Across Western New York Call Kennedy’s Work at State Level “Transformational and Impactful” and Say He’ll Take That Same Passion to D.C.

Kennedy is Running to Fill the Congressional Seat Vacated by Former Rep. Brian Higgins 

BUFFALO, NY – With just six days to go until the April 30 Congressional Special Election for NY-26, state and county leaders joined representatives from local municipalities across Western New York Thursday to formally endorse Senator Tim Kennedy. Kennedy announced his candidacy in November, two days after former Congressman Brian Higgins submitted his resignation from the seat. Kennedy has spent the last 13 years serving in the New York State Senate, and has been a strong, influential voice both at the state capitol and within the Western New York region. 

During his time working at the state level, Kennedy’s background as a healthcare practitioner motivated him to fight for universal healthcare and the protection of the Affordable Care Act. He has partnered with the African American Health Disparities Task Force and the University at Buffalo on several initiatives designed to strategically address health disparities and bridge the gaps in access to comprehensive care that have impacted communities of color for decades. As Chair of the Senate Transportation Committee, he has brought home record road funding, increasing dollars dedicated to municipalities across his Senate district by 106%. Throughout his time in office, Kennedy fought hard in Albany to deliver investments across Western New York; now, he’s prepared to take that same fight to Washington. 

“I’m humbled by the support I’ve received not only from our community, but from my colleagues at every level of government. I’m proud of what we’ve accomplished together – whether that’s investments in our infrastructure, incentivizing the growth of small business and employment opportunities, or bridging gaps in access to healthcare and fresh food – we’ve addressed these issues through strong partnerships because we know true change happens through collaboration and effective communication,” said Senator Tim Kennedy. “I look forward to continuing to work alongside all of these passionate leaders when I’m in Washington, so that our next generation has the opportunity to stay here and build a better future for themselves and their families.”

“Over the last 13+ years in the state legislature, Tim Kennedy hasn’t just been a colleague, he’s become a close friend and someone I know our community can trust wholeheartedly to put people first,” said Assembly Majority Leader Crystal Peoples-Stokes. “As co-deans of the Western New York State Delegation, we have worked together in lock step to advance regional priorities and secure funding for transformational projects that open up opportunities for job seekers, businesses, and families in every corner of our community. I have every confidence that he’ll continue to build bridges and bring home real results for us, and I look forward to our continued work together.”

“I’ve been proud to work alongside Tim in many ways to deliver for residents in Erie County – whether that’s through repeated investment in our parks and waterways, through the redevelopment of the Bethlehem Steel site in Lackawanna, or through critical funding for our infrastructure. It often takes partnerships between all levels of government to generate real progress, and that collaboration will undoubtedly continue when Tim serves as Western New York’s next Congressman,” said Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz.

“Tim Kennedy has been a champion for Buffalo, and our city needs a Congressman who understands the issues facing people and families across our entire community,” said Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown. “I’m confident that Tim will be a strong voice for the City of Good Neighbors in Washington. He’ll continue to prioritize efforts to improve the quality of life for our residents and the long-term growth and success of our city and region.”

Senator Sean Ryan said, “Having served for many years alongside Senator Kennedy in the state legislature, I’ve seen the incredible work he does for Western New York, and his steadfast commitment to delivering real results for the people of our region and all of New York State. As our Representative in Congress, I know Tim Kennedy will continue this great work, that’s why I am proud to support him and endorse his candidacy. I urge the voters of the 26th District to send Tim Kennedy to Congress to fight for Western New York.”

“I’m proud to endorse Tim Kennedy for Congress. I’ve had the privilege of serving with him in the legislature, and I’ve seen him bring historic funding for transportation and infrastructure back to Western New York.  He is exactly the kind of serious and effective leader that is desperately needed in Congress right now. I know he will serve our community well,” said NYS Assemblymember Monica Wallace.

“In my time working alongside Tim Kennedy in the State Legislature, I’ve known few greater champions for Buffalo and Western New York. I’ve been honored to partner with him on legislation to combat climate change and pollution, and from his position as Chair of the Senate Transportation Committee, I’ve stood by him as he fought to improve transportation here at home and across the state,” said NYS Assemblymember Karen McMahon. “Above all, Tim is a good person and passionate about his Buffalo roots. I know he will take that love of community, and experienced track record of fighting for WNY, to Washington and serve the people of NY-26 well. I’m proud to endorse Tim Kennedy for Congress.”

Assemblymember Jon D. Rivera said, “Senator Kennedy knows what it’s like to fight for funding to come to Western New York. I’m confident he’ll bring that same fighting spirit to Congress to secure federal resources to support the hardworking families back home.” 

Assemblymember Bill Conrad said, “Tim embodies the collaborative leadership and effective representation Western New York needs in Washington, and I have no doubt he will continue delivering resources for our region, with the same compassion and work ethic he has demonstrated throughout his career in public service. I proudly and wholeheartedly support Tim Kennedy in his run for the 26th Congressional District.”

Buffalo Common Council President Christopher P. Scanlon, South District Council Member said, “Senator Tim Kennedy has been a strong and dedicated advocate for the betterment of the City of Buffalo and Western New York region. Our partnership has been rooted in a shared dedication to addressing critical issues such as mental health, community wellness, and the revitalization of our city parks. From our early days in South Buffalo to our roles in public service, Tim has consistently put the interests of our city and its families first. His commitment to making Buffalo a priority has been unwavering, whether it’s advocating for crucial infrastructure projects or championing initiatives to enhance the quality of life for all. I support Tim Kennedy as our next U.S. Congressman for the 26th district.“

“Tim Kennedy is not just a politician; he’s a strong fighter and advocate for the City of Buffalo. His track record speaks volumes about his commitment to delivering results for every constituent, regardless of race, gender, or background. As a family man, a man of faith, and a kind soul, Tim embodies the values we need in our leaders. His genuine care for the community shines through in everything he does and we need leaders like Tim Kennedy in Washington who will stand up for what’s right and work tirelessly to improve the lives of those they represent,” said Buffalo Common Council Majority Leader and Ellicott District Council Woman Leah M. Halton-Pope. “I am proud to stand with Tim Kennedy and support his candidacy for U.S. Congress. With his leadership, Buffalo and Western New York will have a strong voice in Washington, one that truly understands the needs and concerns of our city, region, and community.”

“When I met Tim, he became my boss. In just six years, he’s now become my family. Having served as his Director of Diversity and Inclusion, I know how passionate he is about moving our community and our families forward through real, tangible work – whether we’re talking about initiatives like our Single Moms Club or efforts to bridge health disparities and eliminate food deserts, he’s always listening and he’s always trying to find solutions that truly help people, said Zeneta Everhart, Masten District Buffalo Common Councilmember. “I’ve already traveled to DC with Tim. He was right by my side when I spoke before Congress about the need to strengthen our gun laws in the wake of the massacre on May 14th in Buffalo. I can’t wait to see him back where he belongs – at our nation’s capitol and in the halls of Congress, making sure Western New York’s voice is heard, loud and clear.”

“For more than a decade, Tim has delivered for our community time and again. Whether he’s securing funding for road and bridge improvements, connecting small business owners along Hertel with opportunities to grow and expand, or identifying ways to improve and expand our Olmsted Parks system, Tim believes in building a better Buffalo for all of us. I’ve been proud to work alongside him to strengthen our city for the families who call it home, and I know he’ll be an excellent Congressman,” said Delaware District Buffalo Common Councilman Joel Feroleto.

Fillmore District Council Member Mitchell P. Nowakowski said, “Working alongside Senator Tim Kennedy has been an enriching experience defined by our shared dedication to uplifting the Fillmore District and the City of Buffalo. Our collaborations extend from our annual back-to-school backpack event to ensuring that no family goes without during the holiday season with our ham giveaway. Together, we’ve advocated for crucial revitalization projects like the Central Terminal and Broadway Market, ensuring that funds are allocated where they’re needed most. What truly sets Senator Kennedy apart is not just his tireless work ethic, but his unwavering compassion for the people he serves. He’s a champion for our region, deeply invested in its prosperity and well-being. As Tim Kennedy embarks on his journey to represent us as the next U.S. Congressman for Buffalo and Western New York, I am proud to stand beside him, support him, and endorse him, knowing that his leadership will continue to propel our WNY region forward into a brighter tomorrow.”

Niagara District Council Member David A. Rivera said, “Having collaborated with Senator Tim Kennedy over the years has been crucial in advancing the interests of Buffalo’s west side. Through his leadership, Senator Kennedy has worked tirelessly to advocate for initiatives that west side residents have been asking for years, such as the Safe Streets Act, which incentivizes municipalities to prioritize Complete Street designs in infrastructure projects. This groundbreaking legislation not only reduces the financial burden on cities and towns but also fosters safer and more accessible streets for all residents. Tim Kennedy’s dedication to enhancing our urban landscape and improving public safety underscores why he is the right choice to represent the City of Buffalo in the United States Congress. I am proud to stand alongside him and endorse his candidacy wholeheartedly.”

University District Council Member Rasheed N.C. Wyatt said, “Senator Tim Kennedy’s steadfast dedication to the University District and Buffalo is unparalleled. Senator Kennedy’s advocacy and continued partnership for the revitalization of Bailey Avenue stands as a testament to his vision for a thriving and inclusive urban landscape. By championing initiatives that promote economic growth and community development, he has played a pivotal role in creating opportunities for local businesses and residents alike. Additionally, his ongoing support as a sponsor of the annual University United Festival underscores his commitment to fostering a sense of unity and belonging within our diverse community. I proudly support Tim Kennedy as our next U.S. Congressman, confident in his ability to bring even greater opportunities and prosperity to our region.”

Buffalo Common Council President Pro Tempore Bryan J. Bollman, Lovejoy District Council Member said, “In our Lovejoy District, Tim Kennedy consistently delivers on key infrastructure projects, and is always looking for ways to help our community revitalize and grow. I’m certain that he will continue to prioritize our district in Congress.”

“I am proud to endorse Tim Kennedy for Congress,” said Erie County Legislature Chair April N. M. Baskin. “Senator Kennedy has been a strong advocate for our community in Albany, delivering millions to expand NFTA services, standing up for labor, and insisting that healthcare is a human right. His leadership has resulted in unprecedented investments in our infrastructure and in our region’s schools, hospitals, and cultural organizations.  He works closely with the communities he represents and responds to their needs, whether it is a new training center for firefighters in Lackawanna, grants for small business owners in East Buffalo or upgrading the aging sewer system in Cheektowaga to prevent floods. Tim Kennedy delivers, and we need his leadership in Washington.”

“For Tim, public service has always been about helping people. He really listens to our community’s concerns, and gets to work finding solutions. When Cheektowaga’s aging sewer infrastructure was in serious need of upgrades, Tim secured millions in state funding for improvements, and connected the town with resources and a plan to do the work efficiently and effectively. He really cares about our community, and that’s why I know he’ll be a great Congressman,” said Erie County Legislature Majority Leader Tim Meyers.

“Tim Kennedy is someone who shows up, plain and simple. Whether we’re talking about block clubs, businesses, or events that connect our community with resources – Tim is there, and he really listens. I’ve been proud to work alongside him on several different projects throughout District 1, and I know that will only continue on a greater scale when he heads to Washington,” said Erie County Legislator Howard Johnson.

“Tim Kennedy’s dedication to the betterment of our community is unmatched. For decades, he has acted in service of Western New York, and shown how deeply he cares about our people through his successes in the Erie County Legislature and the NYS Senate. I am proud to endorse Tim, and look forward to the incredible things he will accomplish in Congress,” said Erie County Legislator John Bargnesi.

“I proudly endorse Tim Kennedy for Congress in the 26th NY District. His dedication to our community, proven leadership, and commitment to progress make him the ideal candidate to represent us in Washington. I have full confidence that he will continue to advocate for our district’s needs and bridge divides in Congress,” said North Tonawanda Mayor Austin Tylec.

“Tim is dedicated to improving the communities he represents. I greatly appreciate his commitment to the prosperity and safety of Niagara Falls. I recently had the privilege of watching Tim receive the William T. Smith award, from the NYS-Stop DWI Association, because of legislation he sponsored that will provide recurring funding for their program and ensure law enforcement have the tools they need to reduce drunk driving offenses. I am proud to endorse Tim Kennedy for Congress, and look forward to his continued support,” said Niagara Falls Mayor Robert Restaino.

“Tim Kennedy is a tireless advocate for our community. He listens to residents’ needs and delivers results. Whether it’s securing record breaking funding for infrastructure, revitalizing our economy, or ensuring our safety, Tim consistently shows up for his people. I have known and respected Tim for more than two decades and I am certain he will continue to protect us and better our community as our next NY-26 Congressman,” said Amherst Town Supervisor Brian Kulpa.

“I have seen firsthand Tim Kennedy’s dedication to improving our communities. He listens, he cares and he gets things done. I wholeheartedly endorse Tim for Congress,” said Town of Amherst Deputy Supervisor Shawn Lavin.

“I’m excited to endorse Tim for Congress. He has been a champion for women and the environment in NYS and will take those values to Washington,” said Amherst Town Board Member Jacqualine Berger.

“Tim Kennedy is the advocate we need representing us in Congress. As a proud mother of three daughters, I trust his dedication to championing our rights and to fighting for a better future for all. His proven track record of standing up for families makes him the clear choice to best represent us in Washington,” said Amherst Town Board Member Angela Marinucci. 

“Tim Kennedy has always put working families first which is a top priority here in the Town of Tonawanda. I’m confident that he’ll continue to support the people who provide the important services within our Town when he’s in the halls of Congress,” said Town of Tonawanda Councilmember Jill O’Malley. “He’s a hard worker, a bridge builder, and someone who delivers real change. He will wholeheartedly represent the needs of our community in Washington which we need now more than ever before.”

“I have always been impressed with Tim’s level-headed approach to very complex issues, and I have reached out to him a number of times for help on issues facing the Town of Tonawanda. We need Tim Kenndy in Congress because he has great courage, integrity, and character. Tim will help keep Tonawanda a great place to Live, Work and Play,” said Town of Tonawanda Councilman Carl Szarek.

“I’m supporting Tim Kennedy for this special election because we need a Congressman with the experience of working on the important day-to-day issues that don’t make front page news or social media feeds. He’s helped Cheektowaga be better and do better for years now, and will do it for years to come as a congressman,” said Cheektowaga Supervisor Brian Nowak.

“Tim Kennedy has always supported Cheektowaga. He helped us address a large portion of our DEC consent order with State funding, allowing us to avoid putting that burden on our local tax base. He is solution driven and brings a sense of open communication and cohesive resolution to the table. He is exactly the type of partner we need in Congress. I support Tim 100%,” said Cheektowaga Councilman Brian Pilarski.

“As the Chairman of the Niagara Falls City Council, I would like to offer my endorsement of Senator Timothy M. Kennedy to replace Congressman Brian Higgins for the 26th Congressional District seat. For more than two decades Senator Kennedy has demonstrated a strong work ethic and has done an outstanding job representing his constituents.  It is my belief he will continue to make us in Western New York proud to be represented by him.  Please join me in voting for Timothy M Kennedy for our next U.S. Congressman representing the 26th District,” said Niagara Falls City Council Chairman Jim Perry.

“We appreciate Senator Kennedy because he has been a staunch supporter for health equity and social justice issues. I look forward to him continuing the fight as our next Congressman!” said Niagara Falls Councilman Brian Archie.

“I am delighted to announce my endorsement of Senator Tim Kennedy’s campaign for Congress. As a fellow lawmaker, I’ve always been struck by his dedication to not only serving the community he is from but also lending a helping hand to those in the areas around him. I look forward to following in his footsteps in statewide leadership and to working with him in his new capacity as Congressman to deliver for the city of Niagara Falls and beyond,” said Niagara County Legislator Jeffrey Elder.